The Z Mile

Local places to stay

Looking for accommodation for the event ?

Your first point of call should be the Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism Accommodation Call Centre on 041 582 2575 (weekdays) or 041 583 2030 (weekends). Alternatively email them or check out their website.

NMBT is an official booking agent for South African National Parks

Sundays River Specific

Addo Gateway Lodge & Sundays River Ferry

Self catering 3 - 5 bedrooms, plus cruises on the river. Contact 041 4680140 or 082 4180776 or 082 4654391 for further information. Deposit with booking will ensure confirmation.

Happy Jackal Guest House

Comfortable Bed & Breakfast accommodation is available.
Contact us on 041 468 0943 or 082 744 0503 or

Dungbeetle River Lodge

Situated at the start line for this years event, the lodge has 3 suites available, see

Sundowner Guesthouse

3 x fully equiped self catering units sleeping 2 adults.
1 x 4 sleeper fully equiped self catering unit.
1 x 3 bedroom (6 sleeper unit) fully equiped with own kitchen bathroom.
Contact no 041-4680173 or 083-5335620.

Lions Den

Four Self-Catering Flats. Contact: Valary 082 805 6605 / 041-4680088

Sundays River backpackers

E-mail:, Tel: 083 266 5080, Fax 086 666 9067

Elephants Footprint Lodge

Contact 041 468 0499 or 0839 513 811 for further information.

Hosted in Nelson Mandela Bay this is Africa's oldest open water swimming event - established in 1924.